Conferences, seminars and workshops
Photo credit: Walter Dellisanti

53rd Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting
Dates: 1st-4th April 2025
Location: Mobile, Alabama, USA
The Benthic Ecology Annual meetings aims to exchange scientific information focusing on marine benthic ecosystems, including rocky intertidal and coral reef environments.
Their mission is to promote research in benthic ecosystems, support the exchange of information about benthic ecology, and encourage student participation to develop the next generation of benthic ecologists.
More information on registration and abstract submission to come.
For more information, see: https://bem.disl.edu

2025 Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC) Conference
Date: 2nd - 6th June 2025
Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico
The Association of Marine Laboratories of the Caribbean (AMLC) 41st scientific meeting is open to everyone, including students, scientists, and stakeholders, with an interest in marine science and policy in the wider Caribbean region. The meeting provides a setting for the synthesis of new ideas, discoveries, and techniques; and serves to expand regional and interdisciplinary collaborations throughout the wider Caribbean region.
AMLC encourage presentations on interdisciplinary, integrated science that examine interactions among biological, chemical, physical, resource management, and socioeconomic aspects of coastal and marine environments in the wider Caribbean.
For more information, see: http://amlc-carib.org/2025-amlc-meeting

UN Ocean Conference 2025
Dates: 9th-13th June 2025
Location: Nice, France
The 2025 United Nations Ocean Conference aims to support the implementation of sustainable development goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
The overarching theme of this conference is “Accelerating action and mobilizing all actors to conserve and sustainably use the ocean”. The Conference aims to support further and urgent action to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development and identify further ways and means to support the implementation of SDG 14. It will build on existing instruments to form successful partnerships towards the swift conclusion and effective implementation of ongoing processes that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean.
The Conference will involve all relevant stakeholders, bringing together Governments, the United Nations system, intergovernmental organizations, international financial institutions, other interested international bodies, non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community, the private sector, philanthropic organizations, Indigenous Peoples and local communities and other actors to assess challenges and opportunities relating to, as well as actions taken towards, the implementation of SDG 14.
For more information, see: https://sdgs.un.org/conferences/ocean2025

2025 ASI annual meeting and the IPFC 12 (Asian and Indo-Pacific Fish Conference)
Dates: 9th - 13th June 2025
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
The 2025 Asian Society of Ichthyologists annual meeting and the 12th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference will be combined and will take place in Taipei, Taiwan.
This conference welcomes ichthyologists from around the world who are interested in sharing research about the systematics and ecology of Asian and Indo-Pacific fishes, including topics such as evolution, biogeography, taxonomy, ecology, biology, sustainable fisheries, and conservation.
Registration and call for abstracts opens 1st November 2024! Deadline for abstract submission is 20th January 2025.
For more information, click here.

14th International Temperate Reef Symposium
Dates: 1st-5th July 2025
Location: Brest, Brittany, France
This event is the the premier conference for marine scientists with a focus on temperate hard-bottom habitats. The scope is broad and captures natural rocky reefs, man-made structures and biogenic surfaces. Ecology is a key focus, but the meeting also caters for other scientific disciplines relevant to temperate reef biology including biogeochemistry, genetics, oceanography, remote sensing, biogeography and management, not to mention the vast array of interdisciplinary links.
Registration is open! Submit abstracts before 24th January.
For more information, see: https://itrs-home.org/

58th European Marine Biology Symposium
Dates: 6th-9th July 2025
Location: Bodø, Norway
This event will be hosted by Nord University in collaboration with EuroMarine Network. This is the 58th annual EMBS, continuing an tradition since the 1960s to bring early career and experienced researchers together in a relaxed environment to share knowledge, know-how and thinking about marine biology and related sciences.
This event will continue the practice at the last two EMBS to host a panel of major research projects contributing to government and European marine and environmental policies.
Registration is open until 1st June 2025! Abstracts due 28th February!
For more information, see: https://www.embs-symposium.com/

Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA) conference 2025
Dates: 13th-17th July 2025
Location: Naarm, Melbourne, Australia
This event is themed ‘Harmony in Marine Systems’, aiming to integrate Indigenous and Western knowledge systems and foster collaboration among scientists, policymakers, managers, and industry leaders. The goal is to better understand the dynamic nature of marine environments and address the need for adaptive strategies in the face of global changes, highlighting advancements in solutions such as restoration efforts and the blue economy, while also investigating potential challenges that our unique ecosystems face currently and in the future.
Registration and abstract submissions close 14th February 2025!
For more information, see: https://www.amsa2025.amsa.asn.au/

New Zealand Marine Sciences Society (NZMSS) annual conference 2025
Dates: TBA
Location: Blenheim, New Zealand
More information coming soon!
For up to date information, see: https://nzmss.org/conference/

16th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS)
Dates: 19th-24th July 2026
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
This event will represent an important forum to highlight the plight of world’s coral reefs, including those across Oceania, and discuss management solutions with global applicability.
Bringing the ICRS to New Zealand for the first time will provide a truly unique opportunity to feature Pacific Islander knowledge and traditions for reef management, as well as providing a global platform to share the latest science for understanding how to best preserve coral reefs in the face of global change and other threats.
For more information, see: https://www.icrs2026.nz/

17th Deep Sea Biology Symposium
Date: 12th - 17th January 2025
Location: Hong Kong SAR, China
The 17th Deep Sea Biology Symposium will take place in January 2025 at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
DSBS17 aims to bring together experts from around the world who have strong interest in deep-sea biological science, biodiversity conservation, deep-sea environment policy and management for better protection of biodiversity and ecosystems.
For more information and to register, see: https://17dsbs.hkust.edu.hk/

International Conference on Sustainable Coral Reefs
Date: 13th - 15th December 2024
Location: Grand Kawanua, Novotel Manado, Indonesia
The International Conference on Sustainable Coral Reefs is organised by the Government of Indonesia and centres on the theme ‘Sustaining Coral Reefs: Science, Conservation, Resilience and Development’.
This conference aims to bring together experts, policymakers, and stakeholders from around the world to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the development of practical solutions to safeguard the Coral Triangle for future generations.
For more information, see: https://incti.rf.gd/?i=1

Reef Futures 2024
Dates: 9th-13th December 2024
Location: Iberostar, Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Reef Futures is a global symposium focused on the interventions and actions necessary to allow coral reefs to thrive into the next century. Their goal is to develop new ideas by facilitating diverse international participation and multi-disciplinary perspectives.
The event brings together coral restoration practitioners, researchers, students, and resource managers from around the world to share the latest techniques, technologies, and science to dramatically scale-up the impact and reach of coral reef restoration.
For more information, see: https://www.reeffutures.com

Coral Bleaching Automated Stress System (CBASS) in the Maldives – A rapid system to determine standardized coral thermal thresholds in the field
Dates: 9th to 17th December 2024
Location: MaRHE Center, Magoodhoo, Maldives
Registrations for this workshop are now open!
The workshop will be held by Prof. Christian Voolstra a renowned coral reef researcher and ICRS President, whose long-standing interest in diagnosing coral thermal tolerance spurred the development of the Coral Bleaching Automated Stress System (CBASS), which is now the most popular, rapid and standardized heat stress assay and platform for determining coral bleaching tolerance in the field and identifying naturally heat resistant coral populations for conservation and restoration.
The workshop includes a series of classroom lessons, training sessions, CBASS practical activities, and field activities including SCUBA diving and it is open to students (master or PhD), researchers and professionals holding a dive license. Click here to see full workshop program.
Registrations are open until 20th September 2024
For more information, see: https://marhe.unimib.it/activities/education/cbass/ or contact: workshop.marhe@unimib.it or davide.seveso@unimib.it

Reef Conservation UK 2024
Date: 30th November 2024
Location: ZSL London, UK
Reef Conservation UK (RCUK) will return for their 27th Annual Meeting in 2024!
RCUK is an annual meeting for reef scientists, conservationists and enthusiasts to discuss and collaborate on issues related to coral reef research and conservation. The community is increasingly expanding to include those who work on cold water coral ecosystems, as well as tropical coral reefs.
RCUK are hoping to arrange workshops again on Friday afternoon (29th November). If you would be interested to convene a (preferably skill-based) workshop, please email rcuk@zsl.org.
The call for abstracts is now open! Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words and cover any topic related to one of the five session themes (1. Reef ecology and behaviour, 2. Conservation and management, 3. Reefs under the microscope, 4. Reefs in changing world, 5. Other). CLICK HERE to submit an abstract! The deadline for submission is 15th September 2024.
Registration will be open from early October to late November.
For more information, see: http://www.reefconservationuk.org

CommOcean 2024
Date: 26th - 27th November 2024
Location, Málaga, Spain
CommOCEAN is a unique International Marine Science Communication Conference series dedicated to fostering effective communication within the marine science community and beyond. The conference aims to bridge the gap between scientific research and public understanding by facilitating meaningful collaboration among communicators, scientists, policymakers, educators and the public.
By embracing innovative approaches to communication, such as multimedia presentations, interactive workshops, and digital storytelling, CommOCEAN empowers attendees to convey complex marine science concepts in engaging and accessible ways.
For more information, see: https://commocean.org/
Registration before 15th November 2024.

ComSciCon-SciWri 2024
Date: 8th - 11th November 2024
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
This workshop is open to all early-career researchers and science writers (undergraduates also considered) interested in science communication.
At this workshop, you will receive personal hands-on training, you'll be assigned a one-on-one mentorship pairing with a science journalism professional, and you will also publish an original piece by the end of the workshop (see examples).
Accepted workshop attendees will receive a free membership in the National Association of Science Writers (NASW), free registration for all ScienceWriters 2024 conference activities and travel support to attend this year's conference.
For more information, see: https://sciencewriters2024.org
Applications close 25th September 2024! Apply here

ICRS-SECC Manuscript Writing Workshop
Dates: 29th and 30th October 2024 8pm-12am (UTC)
Location: online
The ICRS Student and Early Career Chapter (SECC) is hosting a manuscript writing workshop conducted by Butler Scientific Communications. Kaycie Butler is a scientific writing consultant (and founder of Butler Scientific Communications) and has years of experience helping scientists in the USA and Europe with various aspects of science communication. She is a scientist by training, and thus understands the intricate nature of manuscript and grant writing.
As students and early career researchers (ECRs) begin their careers, strong manuscript and grant writing skills are necessary to be competitive within the field. The amount of training students and ECRs receive in these areas vastly differs. Some students finish their graduate programs having never submitted a proposal or manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal but are expected to have these skills as they begin their career in academia. To address this imbalance in training, the SECC is running two workshops this year: 1) grant writing and 2) manuscript writing.
For more details on the content of the workshop, visit this link.
Note: this opportunity is only available for active ICRS members who are either current students or ECRs (defined as being within five years of graduating from your most recent graduate degree and not in a tenure-track position). Applications from individuals who would not be able to access similar training opportunities due to funding or access disparities will be prioritised.
You may apply for either this manuscript writing workshop OR the grant writing workshop at this link by 8th August at 11:59pm UTC.

7th International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC7)
Location: International Convention Centre, Cape Town, South Africa
Dates: 13th -18th October 2024
This meeting is the Society for Conservation Biology Marine Program’s main event in the calendar and is held every two years.
The overall theme of IMCCs is Making Marine Science Matter. For marine conservation to be effective, marine conservation science must matter to stakeholders, policy makers, and practitioners. IMCC seeks to engage everyone involved in marine conservation to share ideas and promote action for the long term health of our oceans!
With over 800 delegates in attendance, IMCC is the single largest gathering of ocean conservationists in the world. The meeting brings together those from many walks of life, including but not limited to researchers, regulators, fishers, educators, artists, students and journalists.
For more information, see: https://scbmarineprogram.org/meetings-imcc7/

57th European Marine Biology Symposium
Location: Congress Center Federico II, Naples, Italy
Dates: 16th - 20th September 2024
The Symposium theme “From the past to the future technologies for facing the challenges of marine biodiversity loss” is motivated by the conviction that, despite the unprecedented changes of marine habitats and biodiversity driven by multiple interacting stressors throughout the global ocean, to find solutions capable of containing the biodiversity loss is still possible.
The need to prioritize research efforts to effectively decrease gaps of knowledge using coordinated collaborations, transdisciplinary research and cutting-edge technology to face present and future challenges will be discussed.
For more information, see: https://embs2024.com/

AMSA/NZMSS (Australia/New Zealand/Indo Pacific Marine Science Meeting)
Dates: 15th - 20th September 2024
Location: Nipaluna, Hobart, Tasmania
The 58th annual AMSA conference, combined with the NZMSS conference, will bring together marine scientists and managers from across Australia, New Zealand, and the Indo-Pacific to advance our understanding of the region’s unique marine environment during a period of uncertainty.
The ‘Navigating Uncertainty for a Future Sustainable Ocean’ theme is aimed at discussing the latest research that can guide society towards a future sustainable ocean. As a scientific community we can help managers, policy makers, and politicians by providing high quality science and advice on what needs to be done.
For more information and to register, see: https://www.amsa2024.amsa.asn.au/

ICRS-SECC Grant Writing Workshop
Dates: 11th and 12th September 2024 from 4-8pm (UTC)
Location: online
The ICRS Student and Early Career Chapter (SECC) is hosting a grant writing workshop conducted by Butler Scientific Communications. Kaycie Butler is a scientific writing consultant (and founder of Butler Scientific Communications) and has years of experience helping scientists in the USA and Europe with various aspects of science communication. She is a scientist by training, and thus understands the intricate nature of manuscript and grant writing.
As students and early career researchers (ECRs) begin their careers, strong manuscript and grant writing skills are necessary to be competitive within the field. The amount of training students and ECRs receive in these areas vastly differs. Some students finish their graduate programs having never submitted a proposal or manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal but are expected to have these skills as they begin their career in academia. To address this imbalance in training, the SECC is running two workshops this year: 1) grant writing and 2) manuscript writing.
For more details on the content of the workshop, visit this link.
Note: this opportunity is only available for active ICRS members who are either current students or ECRs (defined as being within five years of graduating from your most recent graduate degree and not in a tenure-track position). Applications from individuals who would not be able to access similar training opportunities due to funding or access disparities will be prioritised.
You may apply for either this grant writing workshop OR the manuscript writing workshop at this link by 8th August at 11:59pm UTC.

4th African Bioacoustics Community Conference
Dates: 1st - 6th September 2024
Location: The Breakwater Lodge, Cape Town, South Africa
The African Bioacoustics Community hosts a biennial conference that brings together individuals from around the world interested in bioacoustics. These conferences provide opportunities for underrepresented scientists based in Africa to present their research, learn from some of the best in the field, and network with other researchers working on bioacoustic projects in Africa.
The ABC 2024 conference will be a HYBRID event! This means you will be able to attend the conference in person or online.
This event will include a plenary by Dr Ashlee Lillis on the topic ‘Interviews with Fish: Ecoacoustic monitoring of reef habitats in East Africa’.
There will be two workshops:
MANTA (Making Ambient Noise Trends Accessible) software
Acoustic Ecology and Field Recording
For more information and to register, see: https://www.africanbioacoustics.org/2024-abc-conference

European Coral Reef Symposium 2024
Dates: 2nd-5th July 2024
Location: Città della Scienza and at the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, Naples, Italy
The ECRS is held every four years and aims to pursue the missions and aims of the ICRS within Europe. The theme for this year will concentrate on bridging knowledge gaps between tropical, temperate, and cold-water coral reefs.
Early-bird registration closes 28th March and regular registration closes 25th June.
For more information, see https://ecrs2024.eu and https://twitter.com/Ecrs2024

The Brazilian Reef Meeting (EReBra)
Dates: 7th-10th May 2024
Location: Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Brazilian Reef Meeting (EReBra) is an event that brings together experts, researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts to discuss ideas on ecology and conservation of reef environments, and issues directly affecting these areas such as coastal zone conflicts and their multiple uses.
Registration closes 3rd May.
For more information, see: https://encontrorecifalbr.wixsite.com/encontrorecifalbr

Australian Coral Reef Society Annual Meeting 2024
Dates: 6th-8th May 2024
Location: University of Western Australia Campus, UWA Club, Perth
This year’s ACRS annual meeting will include two packed days of talks and discussion and a society dinner on the evening of the 7th May.
Abstract deadline extended to 16th February. Closing date for Student Travel Award to attend conference is 1st March.
For more information, see: https://australiancoralreefsociety.org/conference/acrs-conference-2024-2/

ICRS-SECC Indigenous and Local Coral Scientists Panel
Date and time: 23rd April from 6-7:30pm EST (UTC-4)
Location: online via Zoom (click the link to view recording)
Register here:
J6b66qB. Once you register, the zoom link will be sent to you via email!
Question Forum:
The International Coral Reef Society (ICRS) Student and Early Career Chapter (SECC) Skills and Professional Development (SPD) and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committees are excited to present the Indigenous & Local Coral Scientists Panel. This workshop aims to explore and celebrate the contributions of scientists who are indigenous and local to coral reef-inhabited regions.
The panel will feature four indigenous & local scientists: Anela Akiona (Hawaii, UCSD Scripps), Shamoy Bideau (St Croix & St Lucia, Tysam Tech), Ahmyia Cacapit (Guam, UCSD Scripps), & Kaiku Kaholoaa (Hawaii, Stanford). The panel will be moderated by Daniel Olivares-Zambrano (ICRS SPD committee) and Emily Chei (ICRS EDI committee), who will engage with the panelists on challenges faced by indigenous scientists, the importance of cultural diversity in scientific research, and strategies to foster collaboration and inclusivity within the marine ecology community.
We are excited to solicit questions from the audience ahead of time, which will be collated by the moderators. Please add your questions here:

12th Mexican Congress on Coral Reefs
Dates: 22nd-26th April 2024
Location: Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
The 12th Mexican Congress of Coral Reefs (XII CMAC) / 3rd Pan-American Congress of Coral Reefs (III CPAC) is organised by the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada (CICESE), the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC), and the Mexican Society of Coral Reefs (SOMAC).
This event in the primary Latin American conference on the science, conservation, and management of coral reefs and will be a key opportunity to develop and share science-based solutions to address the present and future challenges facing coral reefs.
Submit abstract for oral presentation before 29th February and posters before 30th March.
For more information, see: https://somac.org.mx/xii-congreso-mexicano-de-arrecifes-coralinos-y-iii-congreso-panamericano-de-arrecifes-coralinos/

52nd Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting
Dates: 10th-14th April 2024
Location: Charleston, South Carolina, USA
The Benthic Ecology Annual meetings aims to exchange scientific information focusing on marine benthic ecosystems, including rocky intertidal and coral reef environments.
Their mission is to promote research in benthic ecosystems, support the exchange of information about benthic ecology, and encourage student participation to develop the next generation of benthic ecologists.
Registration and abstract submission deadline: 24th March
For more information, see: https://bem.disl.edu

2024 UN Ocean Decade Conference
Dates: 10th-12th April 2024
Location: Barcelona, Spain
This event will bring together the Ocean Decade community and partners to celebrate achievements and set joint priorities for the future of the Decade.
There will be opportunities for the presentation of innovative and transformative science solutions, in the context of a broader mandate of showcasing initiatives and generating dialogue across the whole science-policy-society interface. It will provide a global forum for governments, leaders, maritime sectors, philanthropy, universities, private sector, NGOs and more, to meet and catalyse new partnerships and collaborations.
Registration closes 10th February.
For more information, see: https://oceandecade-conference.com/about.php