Interested in sharing coral science with the world?
Share your science communication favorites and suggestions with us and be sure to check out your university’s available programs.
Photo credit: Walter Dellisanti
Write for a blog or to budding scientists with some of our favorites below. We are always looking for more blogs and opportunities to feature!
ICRS: ReefBites Want to talk about recently published research, the importance of certain organisms or share your experience in the field? Then come write for us or be featured on Feature Fridays! We welcome all levels of writing experiences and fields of marine science interest.
SciReach One of SciReach's goals is to build a community of science communicators who want to give students, scientists, & science-enthusiasts the inspiration they need to follow.
The Conversation Are you a PhD student or post-doctorate wanting your research to reach a wider audience? Become a writer for The Conversation whose articles combine journalism and research-based news and analysis.
The Female Scientist The Female Scientist aims to promote young female researchers by increasing the overall public presence of female scientists.
Letters to a Pre-Scientist Become pen-pals with students who would otherwise lack access to STEM role models and forge personal connections to foster inspiration and accessibility of science careers to everyone.
From local gatherings, to hosting documentary showings and virtual visits. Speak to your local high school, aquariums, and community centers. Reach out to a science podcast.
In all kinds of media, scientific discussions are conveyed through art.
Introduction to Infographic Design
Artist Diana Marques
BioRender software
Science communication focused symposiums and conferences are becoming more and more popular. Check if they are any near you!
ComSciCon 26-27 October, 2024 Michigan State University, USA
Science Writers 8-11 November 2024, Raleigh North Carolina, USA
CommOcean 26-27 November, 2024 Malaga, Spain
Other resources and tools to help guide you along your science communication journey
National Association of Science Writers
500 Women Scientists’s guide here
Dan Vahaba’s comprehensive guide. *highly recommended!
AAAS Communication Toolkit here.
#scicomm on twitter!
10 tips for breaking into scicomm: here.
Space Sci Steph resources.
De-Jargonizer How accessible is your work?
Check out some opportunities for science communication-based internships below
ICRS Science Communication Fellowship Applications close Feb 15th of every year
ASLO SciComm Internship Open to graduates and recent graudates. Applications close October of every year